BB Organics Micro Scrub


Microdermabrasion Scrub 8 oz

List Price $50.00

BB Organics Microdermabrasion Scrub will wash away dead skin while infusing the new layer of skin with it’s healing vitamins and minerals.  Rather than harsh crystals such as sugars and salts, we use microcrystalline beads and fruit acids that are gentle on our skin no matter what skin condition. Statistically we lose 1.5 pounds of skin a year and of that, we know that 70% of the “dust” in our homes consists of dead skin cells. These ‘dust mites’ are a contributing factor to allergies and many skin conditions.

Use the Microdermabrasion twice a week and the Face and Body Wash the other days for a more beautiful healthy look.  For optimal results, use the scrub from head to toe before you get into the shower.  Scrub for at least one minute then leave on for another two minutes before you rinse off.

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